Government Commercial Purchase Card (GCPC) Evals

Lieutenant Newsome led his GCPC team in proactively identifying and correcting numerous administrative discrepancies within the program and completely revised local instructions, resulting in a flawless performance on the 2020-2021 PPMAP audit covering over eighteen months of transactions and earning commendations from NAVSUPHQ and NSTC.

GCPC Purchase Agent, Financial LS, and Training Petty Officer during the USS GUNSTON HALL's 2016 Supply Managment Certification Event. Managed several integral programs at the same time, contributing to material divison receiving an overall score of 87%, well over the current average for surface ships.

Logistics technician, Navy Operational Support Center Long Island. Her inspiring teamwork and personal initiative were instrumental in the efficient processesing of over 100 GCPC transaction records and over 250 uniform records. Her efforts led to supply being named the best logistics in the region during the 2017 Command Assesment.

Executed and managed the Preservation, Packaging, and Packing (PP&P) annual operating budget. Ensured supplies and materials that couldn't be purchased through GSA ServMart were purchased with the Goverment Commercial Purchase Card (GCPC) in accordance with the Federal Aquistion Regulation (FAR) 1.6 and the Local Internal Operating Procedure (IOP).

As the SSD SNCOIC from FY-16 to FY-18, managed all TBI material valued at $18K and flawlessly accounted for and maintained over 50 line items valued at $890K that resulted in a 100% during the FAI. He approved over 100 GCPC transactions totaling over $75,000 which is reduced monthly through hundreds of transactions and accounted for with zero discrepancies.

FISCAL VIGILANCE. completed 425 maintenance actions on medical and dental equipment worth $50K which greatly contributed to the command's 99.2 percent Preventive Maintenance Completion Rate (PMCR), well above NAVMEDLOGCOM'S 98 percent threshold. As a Government Commercial Purchase Cardholder (GCPC), HM2 meticulously executed 66 orders consisting of 259 line items worth $70k in the procurement of equipment repair and replacement parts and calibration services, while maintaining a monthly budget of $50K. His efforts contributed to providing the highest quality of patient care and safety for over 6,000 beneficiaries within Seventh Fleet's AOR.

Exemplified the ideology of being the most ready as the only GCPC cardholder who was readily available to execute the commercial procurement within 2 hours that would enable WiFi connectivity to make communications available during a 24 hour notice, MEF tasked Humanitarian Assistance and Relief Mission for Marines to Support neighboring Hawaii with a massive fuel leakage into waters affecting base housing and civilian homes nearby.

As NSFD's only GCPC card holder, he managed a $500k budget across seven departments and $2.3 million worth of equipment. He implemented 120 CBRNE kits across 5 UICS. Single handedly completed 23 critical regional taskers and integrated BMC Remedy System with NSFD Supply program. Revised the command supply and INDOCtrination programs. Operating outside his rate, FC1 managed, trained, and equiped 54 Security Department sailors ISO AT/FP OPS.

She saved USS Hue city over 200K in depot level reparable parts. She provided excellent customer service while managing the GCPC program. She received an outstanding 88.8 overall score on her most recent quarterly review.

Leading Petty Officer, managed a department of four personnel in inventorying and consolidating 515 consumable and repair parts valued at $45OK. Supervised the off-loading of 345 line items through the DRMO process, saving the government $300K. Oversaw the processing of 17 mission essential purchases using the GCPC, drastically improving mission readiness. As Launch/Recovery Supervisor, successfully launched and recovered up to three boats for a total of 37 missions.

Acquisitioned and procured over 400 GCPC and MILSTRIP requisitions valued at over $700K for nine departments and ten echelon IV commands. LS2 was hand selected to be DET Bahrain's DRMO Liaison, processing 10 pallets of SOCCENT equipment and returning $5M in surplus material to be reutilized. She also served as the Mail Manager, processing over 10K pounds of mail for 5 units ensuring mission readiness while boosting command morale.

As leading Government Purchase Card holder for Seal Team Four and LogSU-2 Supply Department. Procured 100k in mission critical supplies for 3 Troop's pre-deployment exercise, enabling the successful training of 40 mexican SOF personnel. Selected to serve as the lead supporting logistican for 15 Special Operators during security contingencies for POTUS visit to the Caribbean AOR. As Seal Team Four primary GCPC card holder, he procured expedited shipments of critical supplies for SOF in distant and austere locations, ensuring zero delays in critical training evolutions. Procured 1900 material items valued at $4 million that supported Seal Team Four training and operations in EUCOM, AFRICOM, and SOUTHCOM, enabling Seal Team Four to achieve total completion of Task Group Integrated training excrises and operations while deployed.

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