Climate/Equal Opportunity Examples

Contributing to Growth and Development, Human Worth, Community

1.0 Below Standards 3.0 Meets Standards 5.0 Exceeds Standards

- Actions counter to Navy's retention/ reenlistment goals
- Uninvolved with mentoring or professional development of subordinates
- Actions counter to good order and discipline and negatively affect Command/ Organizational climate
- Demonstrates exclusionary behavior
- Fails to value differences from cultural diversity

- Positive leadership supports Navy's increased retention goals
- Active in decreasing attrition
- Actions adequately encourage/ support subordinates' personal/ professional growth
- Demonstrates appreciation for contributions of Navy personnel
- Positive influence on Command climate
- Values differences as strengths
- Fosters atmosphere of acceptance/ inclusion per EO/EEO policy

- Measurably contributes to Navy's increased retention and reduced attrition objectives
- Proactive leader/ exemplary mentor
- Involved in subordinates' personal development leading to professional growth/ sustained commitment
- Initiates support programs for military, civilian, and families to achieve exceptional Command and Organizational climate
- Develops unit cohesion by valuing differences as strengths

- Investigated Sexual Assault/harassment complaint between rival departments and quickly isolated friction, resolved conflict and ensured swift and appropriate action was taken.

Sought out by NAVOPSPTCEN Commanding Officers and Senior Enlisted Leaders for advice and guidance. As Regional Command Equal Opportunity (CMEO), he promoted and ensured a positive Equal Opportunity climate within the region. He adjudicated 14 cases and provided training to 11 CMEOs to include Plan of Action and Milestones for all functional areas. In addition, he initiated 12 command climate questionnaires/individual interviews. He also performed 4 CMEO CA/NOSC visits, led 6 CAT team meetings and chaired 12 CDBs.

- Strengthened command climate and morale by promoting good order and discipline. Ensured exceptional crew conduct during two foreign port visits which promoted favorable international relations

- Superior leadership skills fostered most united team on ship; workcenter had least reported EO incidents in fleet

- Took steps to protect sensitive information from disclosure, preventing unnecessary embarrassment and maintaining an atmosphere of trust and cooperation.

- Conducted Climate Assessments; engaged and surveyed 576 personnel, gaining accurate insight into ship morale.

- Gauged Human Relations climate in the deployed environment by making 9 organizational visits and provided real-time and useful feedback to the tactical Commander.

- Active and perceptive, kept chain of command apprised of racial and sexual climate conditions and prevented obstacles to ship harmony

- Administered two surveys to personnel to assess command climate. Identified areas of concern and submitted improvement recommendations.

- Advocated for an anti-discrimination work environment that paid big dividends in morale, loyalty, and productivity

- As a member of the Command Assessment Team, he helped to improve the perception of equal opportunity throughout the Command.


- As Command Career Counselor, the entire crew depends on and benefits from his guidance.

- As Command Equal Opportunity Officer, his example and leadership cultivated an atmosphere of understanding, harmony, and esprit de corps throughout the command.

- As Command Equal Opportunity Officer, his effective training and unwavering principles were directly responsible for command climate improvement as measured by an exemplary annual assessment.

Chief Jones is a staunch advocate of tradition, loyalty, and strong Naval service. His unwavering support of the chain of command, firm enforcement of military standards, and equitable treatment of subordinates has optimized morale and promoted teamwork and mission accomplishment.

-Selected by commander for his subtle yet effective leadership style to head up Organizational Climate program

-Active and perceptive, kept chain of command apprised of racial and sexual climate conditions, prevented obstacles to ship harmony

-Volunteered to serve as Navy Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment (NEOSH) survey coordinator, empathetic methods enhanced accuracy, opened avenue to increased integration, promised success as unit

DEDICATED TO NAVY's CORE VALUES. Ensured all Sailors were given the opportunity to advance, thereby increasing morale and retention.

- STANDOUT MENTOR! An active, dedicated CMEO, led by example and encouraged equal treatment of and opportunity for all Navy members. Climate assessment results demonstrated improved morale and increased understanding of and support for Navy policies.

Impeccable demeanor and role model. He is the true image of Navy Core Values. He demonstrated and practiced exemplary Equal Opportunity and contributed to the high morale of the crew.

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