Institutional and Technical Expertise

Institutional, Policy, and Technical Knowledge. Practical Application, Procedural Compliance.

- thoroughly reviewed ship capacity and services to ensure incoming personnel requirements will be met or exceeded. Her in-depth analysis identified overlooked provisioning and improved deployment readiness.

-Unparalleled readiness: personal craft was recognized by ISIC ITT and LCTT as "Best in Det" during ULTRA cycle. Detachment Bravo completed flawless PMINT, CERTEX, and COMPTUEX in support of 24TH MEU, safely transporting over 1500 tons of combat cargo; unequaled readiness led to selection from among peers to support Operation Unified Response for Haitian Relief.

- Greatly enhanced manning by streamlining orders process contributing to greater mission readiness.

- Led the on-station repair of the periscope guide and auto-coupler assembly while deployed enabling the ship to continue operation and achieve its critical mission.

- Driving Force of the Navigation/Operations department. His superb leadership, training acumen, and diligent supervison directly contributed to the ship being evaluated as above average during its annual Navigation Evaluation.

- Improved the existing Directives Periodic Update System reducing the number of incorrect findings by 50%.

- Best Diving Officer of the Watch, demonstrated poise and exceptional shiphandling skills under the most stressful situations.

DYNAMIC LEADER and MENTOR. His success in filling critical manning deficiencies enabled DISA-EUR to maintain the highest state of operational readiness.

- Provided input for new system. His vast knowledge of ship's systems and characteristics made him the logical choice for Temporary Additional Duty assignments to Norfolk for contractor conference. I am confident that his valuable input for the development of the new system will ensure maximum effectiveness and dependability.

- Ensured sailors rotated positions during normal cruising watches to provide broadest possible experience which increased crew qualification and capability.

- COMMAND-WIDE IMPACT! Focused the efforts of 20 Program Managers and system admins to achieve 100% Information Assurance compliance for the first time in 4 years! His commitment was integral to the diligent tracking of over 100 alerts which ensured zero security intrusions.

- Key to successful participation in JTFEX OPERATION BOLD STEP. Vigilant scrutiny of 100% of message traffic ensured reaction to changes, threats to fleet. His close coordination of efforts prepared ship for any contingency; increased crew confidence, battle ready!

- Resident training expert. Conducted comprehensive unit SITREP, OPREP, and Accident reporting training for all Command Duty Officers.

- Electronics expert. Displayed superior technical knowledge and dedication and has gained the complete confidence of subordinates and superiors. Routinely demonstrates an uncanny ability to expertly navigate the ship in reduced visibility and high density environment.

- Led 12 man team during an extremely demanding Scheduled Preservation Upkeep Coordinated Effort (SPRUCE). His supervision of over 1500 man hours of intensive work in the Auxiliary Machinery Room and engine room ensured success and set the standard for others to emulate.

- Maintained 100% accountability of all COMSEC material under difficult circumstances.

- As Photographic Officer, his skills are integral to achieving exceptional results and mission accomplishment during photographic surveillance missions.

- Specializes in the difficult. He effectively managed several of the most critical European Network communication outages. His decisive actions restored critical communications and established protective measures which minimized future impact to the warfighter and DISA-EUR Network Operations.

- Unsurpassed administrative and personnel talent. Finalized a detailed contractor Statement Of Work in preparartion for transition of personnel responsibility from Navy Yeomen to civilian contractors.

- Superb Program Manager. Arranged Activity Based Costing training for 200 staff members, exceeding Command participation rates by 50%.

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