Navy Pharmacy Eval Examples
EFFICIENT & PROFESSIONAL: Pharmacy Technician deployed to Joint Medical Group, Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Processed and filled 1,700 prescriptions for Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) Detainees and 1,540 Joint Task Force Warfighters through the Tech-Check-Tech processes, resulting in 100% accuracy.
DEPENDABLE: Meticulously maintained and managed 463 line items by doing monthly expiration checks leading to $15K in pharmacy credit via the Guaranteed Return Program. Identified, handled, and properly disposed of 23 hazardous drugs and 120 pounds of pharmaceutical waste in accordance with Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Guantanamo Bay Environmental program parameters.
TEAM PLAYER: Coordinated with the Destructive Weather coordinator to ensure that 13 pelican cases, five Emergency Response Team bags and four Raven bags were stocked with the correct number and type of medications, ensuring preparedness and sustained medical operations during and in the immediate aftermath of a destructive weather event.
Leading Petty Officer of Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Unit Meridian Pharmacy. Effectively supervised two pharmacy technicians while simultaneously providing comprehensive training to two General Duty Corpsmen. Efficiently processed and dispensed 37,000 prescriptions, benefiting 3,500 beneficiaries on NAS Meridian and its 17 tenant commands, ensuring optimal healthcare support.
As the Pharmacy Technician for 2D MEDLOG, conducted inventory of $2.5M worth of CBRNE resulting in 100 percent accountability. Assigned as LPO for II MEF COVID-19 Vaccination Team, he led 72 personnel from 14 tenant commands resulting in the safe vaccination of 45K active duty and DOD personnel assigned to Camp Lejeune.
Managed the NHCCC enterprise pharmacy OPTAR of $8M for medications, supplies, and equpment with zero discrepancies. Mentored 3 GS-11 Pharmacists in military principles and leadership of junior sailors and assisted in the employment process for the vacant Pharmacy Tech position projected to increase productivity by 35%.
DECKPLATE LEADERSHIP: Led daily operations of 11 military and civilian staff in the processing and filling of over 160,000 prescriptions dispensed to beneficiaries. Deckplate leadership resulted in 90% customer satisfaction rating.
PHARMACY TECHNICIAN, U.S. NAVAL HOSPITAL NAPLES, ITALY. She efficiently contributed to the filling and dispensing of 6,550 monthly prescriptions, 160 inpatient orders, and 60 special order compounding recipes with zero medication errors. In addition, she performed 16 clinical and crash cart inspections, sustaining 100 percent compliance with Joint Commission standards.
As the Safety Liaison for the Pharmacy, maintained work areas to the highest standards. Informed and trained all Outpatient, Inpatient, Satellite and Branch Health Clinic Pharmacies staff on new and important safety protocols. Ensured that all four Pharmacies of Naval Hospital Jacksonville maintained the most professional standards.
Prepared the BHC Pharmacy for the Joint Commission inspection by establishing a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) binder and a Safety binder, greatly improving operational safety.
Adapted to Pharmacy renovations and ensured all areas used space to the maximum efficiency, opening many spaces for storage.
Ensured all non-working equipment was properly disposed of, ridding the Outpatient Pharmacy of potential dangers.
Petty Officer Sailor single-handedly filled 1,400 outpatient prescriptions while assisting the Pharmacy department in the safe and accurate dispensing of over 100,000 prescriptions.
Served over 80,000 patients annually and maintained a departmental error rate of 0.02%, well below the accepted National Error rate of 1.7%.
As Pharmacy Technician, Joint Medical Group, Joint Task Force Guantanamo, Petty Officer Porter coordinated eight comprehensive Controlled Substance Inventory Boards recording zero discrepancies. Utilizing his extraordinary organizational skills, he played a vital role in the inventory and collection of 155 expired medications which saved the Command 3,000 dollars.
Petty Officer Sailor updated pharmacy Standard Operating Procedures and managed a 80,000 dollar annual budget for ordering medications. With his technical expertise, he processed, prepared, and dispensed more than 2,000 medication orders from five primary providers, improving the quality of care to all active duty personnel and detainees.
During this duty period, HM1 Lamoreaux assumed the role of Android and Apple pharmacy application project lead for the design and testing of Navy Medicine's first smartphone epharmacy mobile application. In addition, he standardized the outpatient pharmacy personnel qualification standards for military GS and civilian contract personnel.
Efficiently executed 100% of the exhaustive administrative preparations for his department and ordered pharmaceuticals necessary for a successful six-month deployment to assist with the humanitarian and civic assistance mission operations in South East Asia.

Initiated, researched, prepared and submitted procurement requests for the acquisition and installation of 2 Nuaire Laminar flowhoods.
As Pharmacy Bulk Custodian, Petty Officer Neilson was solely responsible for the acquisition and disposal of expired pharmaceuticals using the pharmacy reverse distribution. He evaluated the medications used and surgical cases performed in Exercise Pacific Partnership, and reduced the stock from 37 pallets of over 4,000 expired and overstock drugs to 20 pallets of 2,000 drugs, resulting in over $200K of credits which was used to purchase consumables for the contingency AMAL.
Assistant Leading Petty Officer and Pharmacy Instructor for Navy Medicine Training Support Center. HM1 Cielo taught XXX hours to XXX joint students with a XX% graduation rate and a XX% pass rate on the Pharmacy Technician's Certification Board; a 20% increase over the national average.
Due to her astute perseverance and technical ability, Petty Officer Pozzi assured the Pharmacy clinical training in San Antonio, Texas which ultimately saved over $1,500,000. Her actions in numerous areas contributed to the enhancement of military and patient Health Care training for over 12,000 joint forces troops.
When working in Pharmacy he successfully dispensed 15,000 prescriptions to military members and affiliates to Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms. Noticing a need for change, he volunteered his off-duty time to reorganize the pharmcy which ultimately reduced wait time from two hours to fifteen minutes.
As Pharmacy technican, Pharmacy Department, Directorate for Clinical Support Services, Naval Medical Center San Diego, Petty Officer Thorsheim led 25 military and civilian technicians in the orderly and efficient operation of the Inpatient Division's dispensing of more than 2,400 intravenous admixtures and unit dose medications to a daily average of 200 patients.
Master of ceremonies for six advancements, five warfare qualifications, three reenlistments, and eight awards. As a sole pharmacy tech he maintained 100% Accountability of over 26 CSIB monthly narcotic inspections with zero discrepancies. He oversaw pharmaceutical stock and supply for over 245 medications totaling $100,000.00 for 6,500 active duty and their families. He also effectively managed the rotation of 50 personnel on the POOW and exceptional Heat Injury watch bill. His efforts in operating Kinser Branch Pharmacy were recognized by Joint Commission and the 3D MLG Commanding Officer.