Mentor Eval Statements
This page became so lengthy that it was necessary to revise it. It will now show a portion of the content every day on a rotating basis.
- COMMAND PILLAR. Led # CDBs, produced # advancements, # NAMs, # JSOYs, # BJOQs, and # JQRs. Guided my command through the PFA, yielding a % pass rate. Coordinated # Command INDOCs for # newly reporting Sailors.
- DECKPLATE LEADER. Led # Sailors across # rates, producing # advancements, # JSOQs, # CO LOCs, # NAMs, # USMAP certificates, # reenlistments, # college degree, and # college enrollments.
- RESOURCEFUL MENTOR. Devotion to Sailor development resulted in # Apprentices, # EAWSs, # reenlistments, and # advancements.
- ENGAGED MENTOR. Mentorship was evident in the qualification of # QPAs, # full systems QARs, # QPJs, # R&C team members, # CDIs, # BJOQ/SOQs and # MAPs.
- EXCEPTIONAL MENTOR. Devoted # additionally duty hours providing professional and personal guidance to junior Sailors, producing # tire and wheel maintainers, # hydraulic contamination specialists, # support equipment operators, and # advancements.
- SAILOR FOCUSED. Mentorship yielded # SOYs, # SOQs, # JSOQs, #% warfare qualification rate, #% PFA pass rate, #% retention rate, #% medical readiness earning the command the Blue M Award, #% USMAPS enrollment rate, and a #% college enrollment rate.
- PHENOMENAL MENTOR. Energetic mentorship of # motivated Sailors produced # advancements, # NAMs, # FLOCs, # reenlistments. Influence led to his Sailors being elected to cabinet positions in MWR, CSADD, and SCPOA, forging a path to career success for his Sailors.
- DECKPLATE MENTOR. Committed to Sailor development, produced # regular advancements, # meritorious advancements # in-rate qualifications, # out-of-rate qualifications, # enrolled in college education, # USMAP certificates of completion, # Navy COOL certifications, # selections for commissioning, # EAWSs, # ESWSs, # PME course completions, and # JSOQs/SOQs.
- EXEMPLARY MENTOR. Dedication to the personal development of # Sailors produced # meritorious advancements, # SSOYs, # SOQs, a #% retention rate, a #% college attendance rate, # NAMs, and #% enrollment in USMAP.
- EXCEPTIONAL MENTOR. Implemented an aggressive and comprehensive professional development plan, which enabled # regular advancements, # FLOCs, # NAMs, # Plane Captains, # Final Checkers, # Release and Control Team Members, and # Collateral Duty Inspectors.
- VALUED MENTOR. Influence of X Sailors resulted in X APU turn operators, X CDIs, X Troubleshooters, X EAWS designations, X in-rate qualifications, and X advancements.
- INSPIRATIONAL LEADER AND MENTOR. Leadership resulted in X advancements, X EAWS quals, X collateral duty inspectors, and X low power turn qualifications. Ensured the completion of X career development boards and personally mentored a Sailor of the Year, and a Naval Aircrewman of the Year.
- DEVELOPER OF LEADERS. Facilitated more than X hours of extensive hands-on training resulting in X advancements, X EAWS designation, and one BJOQ, while his division enjoyed 100% retention.
- SAILOR FOCUSED. Intrusive mentorship generated X Sailor of the Quarters and resulted in a command-wide increase in EAWS qualifications by X%, advancements by X%, and retention by X%. As CFL, he led the charge in physical readiness, revitalizing the FEP program and setting Sailors up for success for during the FY-XX PFA. Chaired over X CDBs and X SOQ boards.
- PHENOMENAL MENTOR. Devoted to the growth of X Sailors by revamping the Command's Mentorship Program and ensuring that each Sailor is assigned to the right mentor, helping to foster a climate of camaraderie throughout the Command.
- PHENOMENAL DECKPLATE LEADER. Direct leadership produced X PO1, X PO2, and X PO3s advancements, an ISIC-level Command Career Counselor of the Year, X JSOYs, X SOQs, X EAWS qualifications, X college enrollments, and X USMAP completions.
- COMMITTED TO SAILOR SUCCESS. Trained and qualified X full systems QAR, X work center QARs, X CDQARs, X CDIs, X LPT Operators, X LPT Instructors, X APU operators, X plane captains, and X SE operators. His superb guidance resulted in X advancements, X Bachelor s degrees, X reenlistments, X SOQs, X NAMs, and X FLOCs.
- RESOURCEFUL MENTOR. His mentorship resulted in X meritorious advancements, X regular advancements, X reenlistments, X selections for LDO, X NAMs, X FLOCs, X Safe for Flights, X CDIs, X CDQARs, X Plane Captains, and 1 TYCOM-level SOY. Streamlined and facilitated Sailor 360 training for X personnel providing sage guidance and training for future leaders of the Navy.
- DEVELOPER OF LEADERS. Fostered the personal and professional growth of X Junior Officers and X Sailors through direct engagement and mentorship. Her investment in Sailors produced X in-rate qualifications, X NAMs, X EAWS, X MOVSMs, X FLOCs, X selection board eligible FCPOs, X OCS applicant, X USMAP certifications, X advancements - all vital to the command's overall X% retention rate.
TRUSTED ADVISOR. His mentorship directly contributed to the selection of X SOQs/JSOQs, X qualifications, X advancements, X reenlistments, X approved C-way quotas, and the successful completion of X CDBs, ensuring a Sailor-focused, mission-ready environment.
- ASTUTE MENTOR. Yielded X advancements, X EAWS, X CDIs, X SOQs, X Safe-for-Flights, X CDQARs, X Turn Operators, X MAPs, X Plane Captain of the Year, and 1 LDO selection.
- GIFTED MENTOR AND ADVISOR. Her commitment to the personal and professional growth of her Sailors directly resulted in 11 CDBs, 15 advancements, 32 in-rate qualifications, 7 reenlistments, and 8 SOQs/JSOQs. She facilitated three Enlisted Leader Development Courses, preparing 23 Sailors for future leadership responsibilities.
- MONUMENTAL MENTOR. As Detachment SEL, he produced three Safe-for-Flights, three low power turn operators, eight APU operators, and five CDIs, increasing versatility and ability to operate remotely. His guidance was instrumental in the recognition of one SOY, five SOQs, and eight EAWS qualifications. As SAPR VA, he promoted awareness of the SAPR program and ensured all command VAs were properly trained, increasing program knowledge unit-wide and bolstering the command climate, trust, and mission readiness.
- IMPACTFUL MENTOR. His guidance produced immediate results, yielding one SOY, three SOQs, four NAMs, two MOVSMs, 63 off-duty college hours, and 173 collective volunteer hours, making his division a model of success at my command.
- EXCEPTIONAL DECKPLATE LEADER. Fostered the personal and professional growth of one junior officer, one Senior Chief, six Chief Petty Officers, and 70 Sailors. His efforts yielded 14 advancements, 12 EAWS, 10 CDIs, 6 SOQs, 6 SFFs, 5 CDQARs, 4 turn operators, and 2 MAPs. His technical expertise was instrumental in driving successful results during the 20XX CNAF Aviation Maintenance Inspection.
- ARDENT MENTOR. His sage guidance yielded X C-way rate designations, X advancements, X QARs, X CDQARs, X JSOQ/BJOQs, X in-rate qualifications, X reenlistments, and X initial/annual respirator protection training requirements. Additionally, he coordinated X career development boards and ensured the completion of X PMK-EE courses in preparation for the NWAE.
- SAILOR DRIVEN. His direct leadership led to 1 SOQ, 1 JSOY, and 1 MAP. As CFL, he led X ACFLs in the CY 20XX PFA, yielding a 98.6% pass rate. As CFS, he provided X Sailors with constructive financial management guidance, greatly increasing command personnel financial awareness and morale.
- TRUE SAILOR ADVOCATE. Leadership, training, and Sailor development led to X CDBs, X advancements, X SOQs/JSOQs, and X USMAP completions.
- STEADFAST MENTOR. Implemented a comprehensive in-rate training program for X Sailors across two divisions, while tracking annual general military training requirements. Efforts resulted in one JSOQ, one meritorious advancement, two USMAP enrollments, and a 100% retention rate.
- TRUSTED MENTOR. Steadfast leadership directly resulted in an X% advancement rate. Chaired three quarterly awards boards, recognizing X Plane Captain of the Quarters, three BJOQs, one JSOQ, one BJOY, one JSOY, and one Plane Captain of the Year. Mentorship of X Sailors resulted in X college credits and X reenlistments.
- NATURALLY GIFTED LEADER. Her leadership directly produced 1 Blue Jacket of Quarter, 1 Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist, 1 USMAP certification, and 1 advancement to E-4.
-SAILOR DRIVEN. Dedicated 42+ hours assisting 8 Sailors in improving their overall PFA performance, ensuring 100% PFA pass rate for the Admin DEPT. As a member of CSADD, he provided 2 trainings to 45+ junior Sailors on smart decision making skills, ultimately improving overall Sailor awareness on the prevention of destructive decisions.
- PREMIER MENTOR. Mentorship resulted in one junior Sailor receiving meritorious advancement, 2 reenlistments, 2 rating conversions, 1 Rawhide of the Quarter, and 1 Active Duty to SELRES conversion, resulting in the command receiving the 2019 Retention Excellence Award and Squadron Blue "M".
-SAILOR FOCUSED. Encouraged 46 USMAP reinstatements and 4 completions. Active FCPOA member. As MWR Vice President, she orchestrated the Command Holiday Party and hosted a welcome home event for returning detachment Sailors and their families.
- DECKPLATE LEADER. Extremely proactive with the personal and professional development of Carrier Strike Group Sailors! The training and mentorship within her department led to two USMAP certifications, one JSOQ, 50 hours of volunteer work and 100% PFA and advancement rates.
- INSPIRATIONAL DECKPLATE LEADER. Her deep pride and mentorship resulted in the submission of 1 STA-21 package, 3 LDO/CWO packages, a 100% departmental retention rate, 1 SOQ, 1 MAP, 2 NAMs, and 2 EAWS qualifications.
Absolute dedication to professional development of 108 Sailors resulted in 13 advancements, two SOQs/SSOQs, four re-enlistments and four MAP promotions.
Petty Officer BRAVO founded the Second Class Petty Officer Association to help our Navy's future by making a positive impact on junior Sailors, our peers and the local community.
She, by example, upheld and sustained traditional Navy core values among fellow second class petty officers and throughout the command, while striving for excellence.
Dedicated himself to improving the Navy by enhancing personal and professional growth of the Sailors within the region through mentoring, teaching, volunteering and public service to our commands and community.
His superior mentorship ability, expert knowledge of submarine navigation and tireless work ethic were instrumental in the training and development of his Sailors and Junior Officers.