Navy EVAL Bullet Examples

NAVAL AMBASSADOR. As Division Officer for the United States Navy Sea Cadet Corps, Battleship Missouri Hawaii Division, Petty Officer *NAME* was charged with the character development and education of 25 sea cadets. His duties included facilitating COMREL opportunities, conducting military drill and physical training. His efforts earned him the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.

-Superb Command Sailorization. As Assistant Education service officer, ordered exams and prepared correspondence for three Navy-wide Advancement Exam cycles with zero discrepancies. He facilitated information at command indoctrination, informing over 145 sailors information in regards to Off-duty education programs.

- PROFESIONAL KNOWLEDGE. Chapel Manager provided logistic support for over 1,630 training events and rigged for 306 worship services attend by over 15,600 congregants.

- HIGHEST QUALITY OF WORK. Hard charger, she coordinated complex tasks by organizing seven CREDO retreats, one ASIST and sixteen safeTalk workshops for 324 service members that augmented professional development and contributed to suicide prevention.

- VITAL KEY MEMBER. Assisted with managing the department's $84,000 budget by ordering, tracking and accounting for equipment and supplies with zero discrepancies.

- COMMUNITY SERVICE. Single-handedly managed FEDS Feeds Families program. She volunteered 220 hours, recruited 23 volunteers to collect, store and deliver 1,200 pounds of food.

- UNPARALLELED LEADER. An extremely skilled Sailor who possesses outstanding work ethic and technical knowledge. A motivated administrator who expertly supervised a chapel staff of 3 Sailors and managed a rigorous schedule of 1,678 events that impacted the resiliency and professional training needs of joint military personnel during 49,731 chapel visits.

- PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE. Audited three fiscal year budgets totaling $217,500 and reconciled all old undelivered orders, minimizing order placement redundancies for FY16 and 17, helping justify a 23% increase in the budget for FY17.

MCPON selected Command Master Chief to lead Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard war fighters onboard (insert duty station), due to CMC Smith's proven track record.

-EXCELLENT INITIATIVE. Crafted a superb CONOPS/ATFP plan that was instrumental in the (insert command name)commanding general's unprecedented approval of the CREDO Personal Resiliency Retreats and became the "go-to" model for new liberty initiatives "outside the wire." His coordination of 6 CREDO Retreats contributed to the personal and spiritual transformation of over 118 participants. He managed the Ceremonial Flag and Treasure Chest Programs, utilizing over 70 volunteers, logging over 200 hours, boosting morale command wide. His dedication and experience was instrumental in training over 130 personnel in CPR/First Aid.

- MA2 Smith was responsible for over 130 calls for service, 475 security checks, 300 presence patrols, 25 incident reports, 40 random anti-terrorism measures, and 25 special assignments encompassing the safety and security of over 10,000 personnel, and HVA's temporarily and permanently assigned to (insert command name).

Led 35 Sailors in the completion of 1,066 maintenance actions, encompassing over 18,200 man-hours. His diligent management yielded the qualification of 11 technicians and six Collateral Duty Inspectors, increasing 62A's productivity by 35%.

Chosen by his peers to serve as SCPOA President. He organized and directed 12 fundraising events in support of the Command Christmas Party and donation of 457 gifts for students at Cedar Hills Elementary School, while coordinating 18 Highway Clean-up events with a combined total of 270 hours devoted to the Jacksonville Community.

Avid participant in all CPO 365 Phase I and II evolutions, instilling Navy tradition and Core Values in 21 First Class Petty Officers.

-He leads by example and his peers gravitate to him for advice and guidance. He provided invaluable training to junior technicians. Assisting in qualifying five RADAR System Supervisors and three Damage Control Petty Officers greatly increasing divisional effectiveness, and watch bill flexibility.

-COMMAND-WIDE IMPACT. As FCPOA President, he rallied 25 FCPOs in 26 events, raising over $2K for the Command and the Children's Holiday Party. Chaired three SOQ, one SOY and eight EAWS boards.

- PERSISTENT OPERATOR. Maintained operator qualifications for both Shop X and Shop Y JQRs. Provided 381 time-sensitive reports for indications and warning to forward deployed US Naval vessels forward deployed.
-ENTHUSIASTIC TRAINER. Trained over 30 sailors for Basic Operator JQR, greatly increasing mission readiness. Managed over 15 hours of Linguist Training with sailors to help improve language maintenance.
-STUDIOUS LINGUIST. Scored L2+/R2 on (insert language) DLPT; Passed above standards.

Skilled technician with unlimited potential.
- Experienced technician. Contributed to the completion of 2,496 maintenance actions on 33 Consolidated Automated Support System stations, resulting in a 96 percent station availability rate.
- Highly knowledgeable. Assisted in the revision of the fleet-wide Miniature/Microminiature Repair Recertification Personnel Qualification Standard. Performed 2M recertification services for three activities, resulting in the qualification of 15 technicians.
- Dynamic leadership. Played a key role in establishing a Second Class Petty Officer Association for FRC Mid-Atlantic Oceana, contributing to enhanced morale and camaraderie within the command.
- Command involved. Collected and processed 4,153 urinalysis samples, ensuring 100 percent compliance with the Navy's drug testing program. Maintained records for 121 Sailors as Assistant Command Motorcycle Safety Coordinator, ensuring 100 percent data accuracy.
Strongly recommended for advancement.

Excels as a leader and manager. Her ingenuity contributes to enhanced Sailorization and command success.

Petty Officer Doe is a top notch sailor, HSB Tra-Sup and leader who constantly demonstrates exceptional initiative and the desire to succeed in any task which he is involved.

Boundless potential and ability, displays the determination and knowledge to cultivate his subordinates

TOP PERFORMER! Ranked 1 of 8 Second Classes. Possesses leadership, creative ability, and self confidence to excel at any task needing to be completed. High morale, initiative, accuracy and capability highlight his daily performance. Specific accomplishments are:

- Superb supervisor. Supervised the production efforts of eight Sailors in collaboration with depot level artisans and performed 129 Quality Assurance inspections. Efforts resulted in repair of 41 Electro-Optical Sensor Units, a $15.5M cost avoidance, and zero items returned for rework.
- Mission oriented. Identified and repaired critical failures on two Consolidated Automated Support System Electro-Optical stations, restoring 100 percent mission capability.
- Recognized subject matter expert. Reviewed the Center of Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit's AT-6724 course and provided recommendations to ensure training standard effectiveness. Trained two Australian Boeing Contractors in ATFLIR maintenance procedures utilizing the CASS-EO configuration.
Has my strongest recommendation for advancement to Petty Officer First Class.

- Knowledgeable technician. Completed 36 maintenance actions, contributing to a 96 percent repair rate while deployed onboard USS GEORGE H W BUSH (CVN 77).
- Trained 12 Sailors in troubleshooting and repair procedures of seven F/A-18 communications/navigation systems, increasing work center proficiency by 10 percent.
- Capable program manager. Ensured strict compliance with HAZMAT and Training programs, resulting in a grade of "on-track" during the semi-annual Quality Assurance audit.
- Implemented induction and accountability procedures for AN/PRQ-7 survival radios, improving Time-to-Reliably-Replenish by 15 percent.
Recommended for advancement.

Solid technician with potential to excel in a leadership role.
- Technical expert. Trained six technicians in the troubleshooting and repair of eight F/A-18 avionics systems, increasing the number of trained personnel by 14 percent.
- Effective technician. Repaired 126 components, contributing to a 16 percent reduction in backlog.
- Attention to detail. Maintained work center Disbursed Technical Publication Library, resulting in zero discrepancies during quarterly Quality Assurance audit.
Recommended for advancement.

As a member of the Engineer team, he passed down what he learned during his career to junior sailors, ensuring the proper development of the next generation of naval professionals.

- Provided CJTF-HOA J6 with resource documents to assist with their communications training program.


SN Sailor has stepped into the Patrol Division and quickly became an intergral part of his duty section. Always willing to help and learn, he sets a great example for others to follow.

Petty Officer Knight is an enthusiastic petty officer with a positive attitude and willingness to accept any assignment.

Petty Officer Svedin, in his short time here at VFA-2, has proven to be a fast learner in the duties and responsibilities as Assistant Security Manager. He is a motivated performer who shows promise and potential.

Enthusiastic and dedicated, actively seeks out challenges and doggedly pursues them until resolved. He is singled out for jobs that require determination and skill and has improved or corrected many chronic problem areas. He is a shining example to his peers and subordinates.

- Made maximum use of pre-operational phase by acquiring new qualifications: completed the Senior Enlisted Propulsion Engineering Course (SEPEC), Fuel Testing, RODP, Fire fighting, and ADAMS for Supervisors.

- Performed flawlessly during NEPTUNE WARRIOR training course--increased interoperability among NATO coalition forces, facilitated flow of intel between allied ships and fleet.

- Organized Junior Sailor, Professional Military Knowledge training for 6 Sailors for the September US NAVY Advancement Exam.

- Effective manager. Impressive technical publications librarian, directly contributed to the workcenter receiving grades of outstanding on recent workcenter quarterly audits through meticulous attention to detail, improving quality of training and maintenance.

-Deckplate leadership produced the most professional mixed-gender working environment I've ever seen; zero sexual harrassment issues!

-Proven leader. Successfully assumed the role of Airframes workcenter supervisor during the month of December. Directly responsible for a 100% sortie completion rate during TSTA III, resulting in the carrier qualification of 16 aircrew and maintaining 14 fully mission capable aircraft.

- Dedicated and invested in our Navy, he demands involvement. He volunteered for a difficult but successful nine-month IA. He was certified early as CTF67 Task Force Watch Supervisor and has made impressive progress in his graduate studies.

- Actively embraces leadership role and serves on Standards of Conduct review boards ensuring adherance to standards and promoting positive command climate.

-Poised for achievement. Aggressively pursed and completed all requirements for the navy's national apprenticeship program. Awarded national journeyman license and Commonwealth of Virginia certificate of completion and state journeyman license.

- Personally responsible for managing $5.3 Million dollars in squadron owned Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL) equipment.

- Invested in success! Turned down Recruiting duty assignment and navy advancement to remain in place and continue instruction.

-Fostered an atmosphere of understanding, trust, and tolerance; increased team effort shattered all records!

- As BEQ Liaison, his superb, sound and reasoned leadership brought the barracks within MED IG standards. Obtained approval of over $400k for upgrades, which dramatically improved residents' quality of life.

- STANDOUT MENTOR! An active, dedicated CMEO, led by example and encouraged equal treatment of and opportunity for all Navy members. Climate assessment results demonstrated improved morale and increased understanding of and support for Navy policies.

-A respected leader, sets and expects stringent, yet achievable, performance standards for subordinates.

Leadership. Facilitates communication up and own the chain of command by being open and candid when asked questions or expressing his opinions.

CPO Pozzi is an enthusiastic, dedicated CPO. She has quickly transitioned from a maintenance background to her new staff duties

-Superb Leader. Selected over more Senior Petty Officers to supervise two Avionic workcenters, he quickly established himself as an outstanding manager and administrator.

-Actively leads Apprentice Technical Training students in physical development and trains to excel in skills training tasks.

-Singlehandedly organized the conversion to the Hazardous Material minimization program, significantly reducing squadron hazardous material/waste by 35%.

Superior leadership ability and command involvement earned him my top ranking. Number 1 of 6 outstanding Senior Chiefs. A natural leader. Hand picked over 14 other command E-7 and above personnel to fill short-fused OIC billet in Pearl Harbor Naval Station, Hawaii.

-INDUSTRIOUS. The driving force in workcenter production. He consistently tackles the most complex discrepancies. He personally troubleshot and repaired aircraft 500's Automatic Carrier Landing System which had been inoperative for 15 months. Dedicated numerous over-time hours in rebuilding a hard to access aircraft disconnect and display connector.

-Led workcenter to highest PRT average in the unit. Raised workcenter average by 40%!

-Revised the entire squadron tool control program, increasing accountability of tools to 100%.

A leader with an indefatigable work ethic. Hand picked to be the only E-7 to attain the title of Senior Watch Officer which is usually held by an E-8. He makes the process of managing the Ops Center look easy.

-Exceptional CPO; superb military image made him the obvious selection for NCOIC of the unit Honor Guard

-Total team player. Intimately involved in the planning and execution of numerous successful fund raising projects for the first class association.

-Helped renovate the USS Constitution CPO living spaces for the CPO Selectee Legacy Academy

Role Model. Positively impacted Command by establishing professional and productive work climate and successfully completing all Pre-commissioning Unit Instructions. Thoroughly reviewed ship capacity and services to ensure incoming personnel requirements will be met or exceeded. His in-depth analysis identified overlooked provisioning and improved deployment readiness.

-Instituted new quality control inspection procedures raising customer satisfaction 25%

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