FitRep Closing Statements
She has earned my highest recommendation for promotion to Senior Chief! Do Not Delay, She is a Must Select!!
Petty Officer Smith's take charge attitude and "can do" spirit paired with his natural ability made him my first choice for Watch Section Supervisor. He has unlimited potential for future leadership positions with increased authority and responsibility. Highly recommended for advancement. (4)
SN Jones possesses a strong record of credibility, loyalty and dedication. A true team player. Promote now!
Revised training qualification program; reduced required training for site qualification, reducing qualification time by 50%--increased productivity! Recommend for management post.
Displays exceptional leadership qualities, ability to get the job done; recommend promotion/retention
SN Edwards is a dynamic seaman and multi-talented mechanic. He readily accepts increased responsibilities. Promote Now!
PN1 Taylor is ready for immediate promotion to PNC. He has the mental maturity and administrative knowledge to be an outstanding Limited Duty Officer and is strongly recommended for a commissioning program.
The most conscientious, loyal, and dedicated PO I’ve served with in 20 years-- Promote to Chief Now!
Recipient of COMSUBLANT Superior Performer Award for December 06; promote ahead of peers!
PN1 Poole is an absolutely superior Petty Officer; challenge with greater responsibility--must promote immediately to Chief!
Petty Officer Noonan is a dedicated, cheerful, and hard-working individual who performs all duties in a thoughtful and enthusiastic manner. Always contributes full measure to any task and his willingness to accept added responsibility increases his potential for positions of more responsibility.
My number one Mobility line troop. Can always be counted on to ensure compliance with requirements
Senior Chief Smith exemplifies our core values and brings out the best of those around him. He possesses all the capabilities of an outstanding Command Senior Chief. He has my strongest personal recommendation for Master Chief Petty Officer.
Dependable SCPO, my ability to trust him with command on a daily basis has provided opportunities for growth.
An outstanding Petty Officer with unlimited potential. He has demonstrated his dedication to mission accomplishment by a positive, can-do attitude and continuous self-improvement. Strongly recommended for advancement and retention in the US Naval service.
My #1 Petty Officer; selected as Health Services Manager of the Year 2007. Promote ahead of peers!
HMC Pozzi is a superstar, clearly excelling in a demanding assignment. He is an excellent candidate for Command Senior Chief. PROMOTE TO SENIOR CHIEF NOW AND KEEP HIM MOVING!
First rate professional! Shows ability and initiative to assume greater responsibility. Promote now!
Maintained a million property account with a 98% accuracy rating. Best accountability of ten sections. Prime candidate for increased responsibilities.
Exceptional performer! Further challenge with most difficult tasks. Promote ahead of peers!
The ability to inspire and enable the Enlisted and Officers to do their best despite all obstacles to their success set this leader apart. Unmatched foresight and accomplishment, a true standout at Fleet HQ. He has my strongest recommendation for immediate advancement to Master Chief Petty Officer.
Absolute TOP NOTCH in every respect. The only E-6 to attain the title of Senior Watch Officer, a leader in whom I place extraordinary trust!
Demonstrates the confidence needed to face the Navy's toughest challenges. Promote to his potential.
Recent Air Force Leadership School graduate; poised to accept more challenging duties. Ready to promote.
Aboard for only six months, SA Cuciniello is already 75% qualified on work center maintenance training tasks. Promote when ready.
Hard charging seaman whose willingness to strive forward has set him apart from his peers. Promote!
None better at what they do! Should already be a Chief Petty Officer. PROMOTE IMMEDIATELY!
Phenomenal Sailor; surpassed every expectation in training and duty performance; ready for promotion now!