Network Administrator Eval Examples

CVN73's lead Network Administrator for the NCTAMS LANT cutover. Flawlessly implemented installation of ACL templates on the local network and proactively reconfigured firewall rules to enable CVN73 to be the first ship connected on SIPR. This allowed NCTAMS LANT to verify their configuration and expedite troubleshooting efforts with the remainder of the fleet.

Network Administrator, he oversaw the successful SOVT of 23 DCGS-N Block 2 workstations across two domains. SOVT was for first install of DCGS-N Block 2 aboard an L-class vessel. Provided lone IT Sys admin support for 35 workstations across three domains in JIC and SSES spaces following installation, SOVT, and during initial operating periods from October 2014 - August 2015.

METICULOUS NETWORK ADMIN. His tireless dedication and superior knowledge lead him to personally reconfigure a Fiber Attached Storage. Rebuilt corrupted data stores which resulted in zero data loss. Also, built 3 core servers restoring full network operations within one week.

DATA MASTER. As Network Administrator for Fleet Support Unit One, was responsible for the management, maintenance, and repair of 11 servers, 5 network switches, and 12 network assets, ensuring maximum availability of critical network services. IT1'S ADVANCED TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE WAS CRUCIAL TO the detection and identification of faults during the testing phase of the PMA290E software suite.

Maintained the Matilda Lines Local Area Network (LAN) for over 300 users of the Ground and Logistic combat elements aboard Robertson Barracks Darwin, Australia. Assisted in the configuration, installation, and maintenance of the SIPR network. Assisted in the configuration, installation, and maintenance of the Deployed Marine Corps Enterprise Network (DMCEN) during operation Koolendong. Configured, installed, and maintained 3 KG-175D encryption devices that provided the Air, Ground, and Logistic combat elements with secure network traffic and data integrity.

VIGILANT TECHNICIAN -Demonstrated a level of expertise and initiative far beyond that expected of a Marine of his pay grade. During the exercise, Lance Corporal diligently troubleshot and repaired over two dozen separate network related faults, helping provide the flying squadrons with the services they required to complete their mission. When it was discovered that .mil domain websites were not accessible, he quickly found a work around and disseminated instructions to allow the ACE to access the websites they required. Also assisted in the initial implementation of a new ANW2 network utilizing the MAG-TAB, allowing visual air-to-air communications, giving pilots an improved visualization of their battlespace.

Network Administrator for S-6, Headquarters Company, 2D Marine Regiment, 2D Marine Division. During the MAGTF Warfighting Exercise (MWX) 1-19 at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Twenty-nine Palms, California, he was instrumental in the employment of the Secure Mobile Anti-jam Reliable Tactical Terminal (SMART-T) suite for RCT-2 rear C2 node. He enabled command and control in the RCT-2's combat operations center by means of real-time transverse chat, internet, e-mail, and voice services. He was directly responsible for the configuration utilized by the black core point to point link and cyber security module's KIV-7M encryption devices, all terminating at the SIPR enclave.

Also was instrumental in the implementation and employment of the Network on the Move suite for RCT-2'S forward A command node. He also configured the digital pathway from Division Rear’s tactical entry point (TEP) modem kit (TMK) to the Network on the Move (NOTM) modem and black core dynamic multipoint virtual private network (DMVPN) with IP security (IPSec) terminating at the SIPR enclave enabling C2 by means of real-time transverse chat, internet, email, and voice services.

He also provided Help Desk services for RCT-2's forward A command node and COC functional areas to include the integration of the Recon Operations Center and Fires attachments. Throughout the operation, he continuously liaised with the Division Rear's SysCon to enable continuous troubleshooting with the Technical Control Facility and MUX platoon.

Served as the lead Network Administrator for the 20.1, 20.2 and 2020 Cobra Gold Exercise. Accounted for over 300 items and 1,500,000 dollars worth of communications gear. Taught over 30 Marines over 100 hours of classes in networking procedures and communications systems.

As Network Administrator, created and established the Marine Corps Enterprise Network Organizational Unit for all the printers and users attached to Task Force 51/5. Was indispensable to the NIPR MCEN transition; without his knowledge and ability to act as a Network Administrator, TF 51/5 would not have been able to succeed in the transition. The completion on the MCEN-N transition allowed the Unit to continue forward with the Operational tempo needed to maintain TF 51/5 as a Marine Expeditionary Brigade.

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