Openings for PFA Failures

Petty Officer X is a skilled and knowledgeable Yeoman. As a motivated and enthusiastic Sailor, she is making admirable progress in meeting PFA standards.

Petty Officer X is a smart and capable Sailor and technician with unlimited growth potential. Though he did not meet minimum fitness standards, his demanding duties are at least partially responsible and we are working together to ensure a successful retest.

Petty Officer X is my go-to person for all communication issues. We are working as a team to prepare for a reevaluation and if duty performance is any indicator, he will ace the next PFA.

Seaman Yoast is a very knowledgeable Sailor and technician with a very promising career. Although he did not meet standards on his last PFA, he is making exceptional progress and will exceed standards on the scheduled retest.

My most indispensable technician. Would be rated highest in section if not for BCA failure. Am confident ratee will exceed standards on retest.

Examples can be contributed using this form. Thanks!