Scheduler Eval Examples

A Navy scheduler with a thorough understanding of all of the DoD, TRANSCOM, AMC, and OPNAV instructions, he proficiently executed over 500 requests and safely moved over 100,000 passengers and over 10 million pounds of cargo for strategic operations around the globe. He trained 3 new personnel in scheduling for the operations department, improving efficiency and expanding operational capacity by 50 percent.

As a scheduler, she oversaw the completion of 155 airlift requests, scheduled 122 missions, and modified 235 missions resulting in the movement of 67,000 passengers and 1,000,000 pounds of cargo in direct support of Fleet and Combatant Commanders world wide.

Training Petty Officer and master Scheduler, Petty Officer Kane processed 35 formal school requests and 10 NEC equivalency packages resulting in a 15 percent increase in battalion skills attainment.

Lead scheduler at Norfolk Naval Shipyard Port Operations, Petty Officer R efficiently scheduled and lead 2,235 shipyard movements to include 1,400 barges, 24 Navy vessels, and 211 USCG ships which resulted in 100% mission completion. Additionally, as Dockmaster, she safely docked/undocked 2 aircraft carriers, 2 amphibious ships, 3 training support vessels, 6 PCs, and 5 submarines with zero mishaps.

As a maintenance scheduler, he optimized the availabiliy of scarce aviation resources while scheduling over 9,000 inspections to sustain 34 DON/USAF aircraft and training for 33 pilots.

As scheduler, coordinated with other departments to maximize the benefit of available refueling resources by synchronizing the deliveries with other scheduled maintenance or operations.

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