Shipyard Operations & Maintenance
C130 Leading Petty Officer (LPO) and LPO for the month of March 2024, responsible for and supervised 24 Sailors of five different Codes and six civilian's supervisor while ensuring safety and quality of shipyard work to support surface ships and submarines readiness throughout the Fleet. Sailor represented C130 for NAVSEA CMC brief and involved in two Sailor 360 (November 16, 2023 & September 19, 2024).
C132 Quality Assurance Specialist (QAS) - Responsible for the implementation, execution, and accuracy of 3 shipboard installations, validating quality assurance and surveillance monitoring IAW NAVSEA Standards. Conducted 319 Surveillances and audits on site.
DIVISONAL CAREER COUNSELOR - Supports and monitors 24 Sailors across five shops with career readiness, education, and assist to execute their career intentions. Responsible for coordinating with Command Career Counselor and chain of command to conduct, schedule and process 11 Career Development Boards (CDBs), four special sea program (LCACs), 2 re-enlistments and three separations with no discrepancies. CIPR inspection FY 2024.
Major Collateral - Assistant Command Fitness Leader (ACFL) - Assists in keeping PHNSY & IMF at a full physical readiness. Responsible for leading 24 Sailors in 4 Divisional PT sessions to ensure sailors maintain fitness within naval standards. Conducted two Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP) workouts, and 8 Body Composition Assessments (BCA) supporting 512 Sailors resulting in an overall passing score of 95% of 2024 PFA cycle.
C132.3 Alterations Installations Team (AIT) - Responsible for memorandum of agreement (MOA) prior to Ships work Avails and RMMCO check in to execute safety precautions during availabilities and preparing ships for a ready missions. Sailor has attended 21 meetings with Civilians supervisors and shipyards contractors for execution plan for ship readiness throughout the shipyard.
Demonstrated extraordinary leadership, intrusive mentorship and a remarkable ability to plan and coordinate efforts between ship's force, Naval Intermediate Maintenance facility and Squadron 17. Ensured Trident submarine USS NEVADA (SSBN-733) crews received the highest quality in intermediate level maintenance throughout the successful completion of over 1600 jobs encompassing 3 refits and 3 voyage repair periods totaling over 110,000 man-hours. Also coordinated efforts between Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Intermediate Maintenance Facility and Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific, to support the USS KENTUCY (SSBN-737) ahead of schedule for their engineering refuel overhaul.
As Watch Commander, led over 30 NSF and ISF sailors in daily anti-terrorism and Force Protection duties of a multi million dollar nuclear powered aircraft carrier during its midlife RCOH period at Newport News shipyard. As Lead Restriction Petty Officer, he assisted with the revision and maintenance of the command's restriction program.
As Work Center Supervisor, Hydraulics Work Center at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, San Diego, California. Guided his work center to exceed all production goals for FY-19, FY-20 and FY-21. He demonstrated exceptional initiative and superb attention to detail in the coordination of over 300 hydraulic tests and repairs, including emergent repairs of a missile tube actuator.
Oversaw and led the Product Delivery Division during a transformational period. While in Strategic Planning and Workload, she played a pivotal role in the development and submission of the Naval Shipyards' Program Objective Memorandum 2025 Requirement Reporting, a programming effort of over seven billion dollars. Served as the NAVSEA 04 representative for Warfighting Readiness and Battle Damage Assessment and Repair (BDA/R).
Leading Chief Petty Officer of the Special Operations Division at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Stood up Special Operations, taking it from a concept to a highly productive and efficient team of Sailors with minimal startup resources. His efforts have consistently produced annual shipyard savings exceeding $100,000 in deferred contract labor costs while greatly improving the appearance and safety of shipyard and annex grounds. Additionally, his situational awareness and foresight enabled the shipyard to maintain a wide variety of services during gaps or definciencies in contract services.
Served as the Cannibalization Manager at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility. Coordinated with five project teams and several organizations to ensure all material requirements were met.
As the Leading Petty Officer, Fleet Maintenance Submarines Admin Department at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, processed more than 500 sailors through the check-in process. As the command Financial Specialist, provided financial counseling and budgets for 300 sailors.