Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (PR) Evals
-PRODUCTIVE TECHNICIAN. CDI Supervisor for three CNO high risk curriculums. Managed 154 sets of ALSS gear and maintained 135 pieces of SAR training equipment resulting in the completion of 112 hours of pool training for 823 Rescue Swimmers. Maintained rappel course gear resulting in the safe execution of six rappel classes and 24 Inland Rescue Aircrewman graduates with zero gear discrepancies. Received zero discrepancies on ALSS gear during the 2017 NETC inspection.
-COMMAND INVOLVED. As Command Suicide Prevention Coordinator, she led quarterly prevention lectures during Command Indoc for 160 Sailors. She mentored four new check-ins as a Command Sponsor ensuring smooth transitions for the sailors. As the Material Control PO, she oversaw the completion of 20 requisitions while managing SAR/SARMMs $7,000 yearly budget.
-COMMUNITY MINDED. Dedicated 15 hours to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance by planning a cycling charity event and raised $300 dollars for the charity as well.
As the directorate LPO, led and mentored five Sailors in the allocation of assets and supplies in excess of $1.2M to eight geographically dispersed Aviation Survival Training Centers. Produced one NSTI headquarters BJOQ, one Meritorious Advancement, 100% CDB completion, and drafted four awards to recognize his Sailors.
-METICULOUS MANAGER. Ordered 390 line items requests valued at $850K in less than 36 hour turnaround time, while maintaining 100% accountability. Improving NSTI s overall mission readiness and support of all detachments. His attention to detail led to 100% compliance of the government purchase card holder program for FY17 command inspection.
-COMMAND INVOLVED. As the command representative for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society fund drive, established 100 percent contact ahead of schedule, raised over $600 within NSTI HQ. As Command Voting Assistance Officer, ensured 100% contact was made, provided education to sailors on voting registration and answered questions about absentee voting as well as local polling locations.
PR1 So & So makes a significant impact in the command's success! Promote now to CPO!
-Superb Manager. As 13A LPO, he expertly supervised the completion of 2,045 maintenance discrepancies and 34 technical directives ensuring all aircrew flight equipment were maintained at 100% mission capable status during high-tempo flight operations, encompassing 1,306 flight hours and numerous critical detachments.
-Strong Deck Plate Leader. Proactively led and coordinated the training of 12 junior personnel in key areas of responsibility and professional development, he personally trained and qualified six Ordnance Team leaders/members, one Collateral Duty Inspector and two Quality Assurance Safety Observer.
-Inspirational motivator and mentor. Personally orchestrated an advancement training study group for junior sailors, dedicating numerous off duty hours resulting in four sailors advancing to Third Class Petty Officer, an impressive 36% advancement rate in the 13A workcenter.
Unparalleled potential. A highly motivated Sailor who has completed over 50% of CDQAR qualification in just four months. His/Her tenacity and willingness to excel has provided an increase of the overall readiness of the division.
DEDICATED LEADER. Led six personel in the execution of 2562 scheduled and unscheduled maintenance actions, totaling 3738 mishap free man hours. Meticulously managed 42 sets of aircrew flight equipment and 20 installed aircraft assets worth 647,000, contributing greatly to the squadron's impressive 100 percent sortie completion rate in support of operation INHERENT RESOVLE while on board USS CARL VINSON. His managerial skills were consequential in the command's ALSS program receiving a grade of "Satisfactory" during the COMMACCLOGWING Post Deployment Aircraft Material Condition Inspection
-COMMITED MENTOR. Proactive mentorship of junior Sailors led to the qualification of two trouble shooters, Ordnance Team Leaders and one Collateral Duty Inspector. As Divisional Command Career Counselor he conducted eight career development boards and two reenlistments promoting upward mobility for junior sailors.
TEAM ORIENTED. As SCPOA Master At Arms and EAWS Board Member he personally chaired boards for three BJOQ and 4 EAWS qualifications.
As the resident oxygen system expert, petty officer Gouz trained 3 new personnel in the maintenance, troubleshooting and issuing of oxygen related components used on the P-3 Orion aircraft. He oversaw the completion of over 600 maintenance actions on critical oxygen system components, maintaining a constant pool of ready gear for minimal down time of supported aircraft deployed within the 6th fleet AOR.
Spearheaded the expeditious incorporation of interim change eight to the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program for 220 aircrew and eight E-6B Mercury aircraft. His meticulous efforts reduced the administrative workload by 30% and increased workcenter effectiveness and efficiency by 75%. He streamlined asset tracking by using single documentation increasing accurate management of scheduled inspections by 100%.
PR1 Hartman supervised the management of over 4700 parachute components during the introduction and placing in service of over 280 MC-6 Main and Reserve parachute systems. PR1 paved the path to success for EODTEU 2 to become the first EOD command to to perform MC-6 jump operations, completing over 140 MC-6 Personnel Parachute jumps. When Naval Saftey Center released a suspension of use message for the MC-6 Parachute systems, PR1 was able to immediately shift focus and place 148 MC-1 Main and Reserve systems back into service. In August 2011, a resumption of use message was released, authorizing the use of MC-6 systems and PR1 immediately returned emphasis back to the MC-6 system and managed the evolution of placing 150 ready for use MC-6 systems on the shelf. Because of PR1 Hartman's managerial skills and focus, EODTEU 2 Air Ops operated at a 100% efficiency rate with 0% operational impact.
His career has been distinguished by excellence in leadership and management and a deep commitment to the Aviation Life Support community. As an Instructor and Curriculum Supervisor at NATTC Pensacola, Florida, he qualified as Subject Matter Expert in his rating. Providing excellent training and mentorship to future Parachute Riggers and peers alike, Petty Officer Rivera demonstrated superior technical subject matter expertise and a sincere concern for his shipmates throughout his career.
As the Operations Chief during the 16-2 NSW CJSOTF-I SUPCEN rotation, PR1 Anguiano oversaw all ground movement operations. Under his guidance, 22 Sailors and Marines turned in 71 M1151s and five MATVs to the 401st AFSB for re-utilization in the CENTCOM AOR. This action saved U.S. taxpayers over $17M and repositioned assets to better meet CENTCOM needs. PR1 Anguiano also supervised six Sailors in the Air Mobility cell during the course of his deployment. In this capacity he ensured the movement of over 1,200 passengers and over 500 tons of cargo throughout the SOCCENT AOR directly impacting mission readiness and facilitating key turnovers.
Pretty Officer Horner took charge as Aviation Life Support Systems Leading Petty Officer for DET-4 and directly contributed to four detachments and one deployment in support of USS Kearsarge and the execution of 1,750 mishap free flight hours. As CDQAR, he identified and corrected 427 maintenance actions, screened and processed 50 technical directives, and replaced 61 high-time components. Trained personnel in the completion of ALSS worker Quailed and Proficient Technician PQS and also assisted in one being Air warfare qualified.