Navy Eval Phrases

One of the fundamental steps to good writing is to relax. Although writing the eval is one of the most significant duties you'll encounter during your Navy career, if you start early you'll have plenty of time to revise, correct, and improve your work. The important thing is to just get started without being overly critical of your writing. Once you begin, the rest will fall into place. Below are some phrases from the Navy Writer book to help get the ball rolling.

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- a go-getter, one hot diggity-dog of a stellar shipmaterino!

- a superb Second Class who exemplifies the Navy's Core Values and fosters excellence within the unit!

- a stellar Sailor who runs circles around his peers and even some of my Second Class Petty Officers

- a vital member of...managed over 500 reservations and provided over 2,000 bed nights which generated $155,000 in lodging income and...

- accepted a three month interim Superintendent position to provide shop supervision while a new supervisor was being selected

- accounted for over 155 sorties, and 55 thousand gallons of fuel offloaded to a variety of receiving aircraft

- accurately and meticulously processed 555 mission capable receipts contributing to the 1,500 sorties flown

- acquired a multi-base certification that helped alleviate manning shortage at Norfolk NAS

- actions enabled delivery of to awaiting forces in...

- actions led to the unit being lauded by COMPACFLT IG as "best on base"

- adapted to shifting support channels while delivering on time...

- administered over...and assured their wartime worldwide readiness...

- aided in the mission success of the...

- airlifted more than 50 million pounds of cargo and 50 thousand passengers in support of...

- amassed 550 combat hours flying reconnaissance missions in multiple theaters

- an integral factor in the Division earning the coveted COMPACFLT Safety Trophy

- an invaluable team player in...

- an OIF workhorse, he personally issued 1.5M gallons of fuel to over 100 ships on multiple piers

- as a result of dedication to his patients, Balad hospital maintained a 95% survival rate

- assisted in ensuring all team members were cross-trained and capable of all tasks within their crew vehicle

- assisted the efforts to deploy and maintain the...

- assumed the vacant Security Office NCOIC position for a period of ten months and balanced daily duties with increased force protection requirements

- assumed/accepted 50% of military pay workload processing 5,000 transactions with 95% accuracy

- assured 100% unit competency and compliance with...

- assured operational readiness of over 50...

- astute leadership ensured contractor complied with all...

- astute leadership was vital to the Sealift Command moving over 550,000 square feet of cargo

- attention to detail ensured that all sorties launched with 100% on-time take-offs

- attention to detail impressively controlled accuracy and maintained 100% accountability of...

- attention to detail while reviewing travel vouchers evident in the 100% travel regulation compliance and 95% accuracy rate

- battled blistering sand storms in excess of 50 miles per hour, worked around the clock to provide safe passage for...

- certified the safety of over 5.5 million square miles of sovereign airspace

- clearly exceeded the command standard of 95% accuracy

- commitment to quality service allowed section to achieve a 5.5 average customer rating, exceeded NETC 4.0 average

- commitment to service vital to...

- commitment to support unparalleled

- completed all scheduled maintenance actions ahead of schedule while ensuring critical communications remained...

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