Patrol Officer Evals


-SECURITY PROFESSIONAL. As a Patrol Officer, she executed four Random Antiterrorism Measures, responded to 90 calls for service, issued two security violations, and two Federal Magistrate Citations, and 300 physical security inspections with zero discrepancies.
-ELITE TRAINER. As one of the Delta training Officers, MA3 coordinated ten trainings on NTTPS, Standard Operations, PPRs, and OPNAV forms. MA3 mentored 5 junior sailors by teaching them proper prodecures on paperwork such as personnel request, Enlisted Advancement Worksheet, reading Navy Wide test results, Uses for BOL, Explaining PNA points, Explaining RISCA, and explaining Evals.
-CIVIC MINDED. MA3 is part of the command CLIMATE survey and cares for the well being of her peers. Making a change for a greater work enviorment in order to complete the misssion. Volunteered four hours in a fundrasier for the MA Ball commitee. Also volunteered 40 hour in McCool elementry. She tutored ten students on math and reading. Also is currently enrolled and active with navy eductaion and college.


- MOTIVATED SENTRY. As a Patrol Officer she covered two patrol zones and three entry control points, responded to 15 calls of service, and conducted 22 Random Antiterrorism Measures. Her efforts ensured the safety for 108 Magazines along with 1,200 personnel onboard the installation.

- SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. Created a comprehensive study guide covering 15 topics in all facets of Law Enforcement, Federal Law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice for 16 security personnel that directly led to four patrol officer qualifications.

- CIVIC MINDED. Dedicated four off-duty hours the NWS Seal Beach Veteran's Day ceremony to honor and support over 150 Veteran's and their families, resulted in enhanced relations between the local community and the Navy Security Force.

During his time Under Instruction for Patrol Officer, assisted with 10 foreign nationals, 6 medical assists, and 1 BOLO DBIDs hit, ensuring the safety and well being of personnel assigned to Naval Base San Diego and its tennant commands.

Led and directed NSAB's Access Control Center. Motivated all three shift's team members. Established a Parking Enforcement Team, a Multicultural Awareness Team, and maintained CLEOC Analysis Reports while simultaneously maintaining foundational services of sentry, patrol officer, patrol supervisor, watch commander, clearing barrel supervisor, and duty armorer.

As a Patrol Supervisor, she expertly managed personnel at 27 static posts and seven patrol zones. She resolved all calls for service with exceptional professionalism and expertise. As a Patrol Officer, she issued over 150 traffic citations, conducted over 100 Random Anti-Terrorism Measures, and responded to over 150 calls for service, increasing the safety posture of the installation and all personnel on-board.

Patrol officer and Pass and ID security member, security detachment, Naval Air Station Lemoore, California. Responded to 123 calls for service ranging from building alarms to domestic disturbances, and successfully apprehended 7 DUI suspects while safeguarding 12,000 personnel and 15 billion dollars worth of aircraft and support equipment. As a Pass and ID security member, he completed 2,389 background checks, and identified 71 legal discrepancies which contributed to the denial of access to the base and the protection of 12,000 personnel.

Performed over 3200 hours of armed Antiterrorism and law enforcement patrols. As a patrol officer, he responded to 67 calls for service including alarm activations, trespassers, and medical assisting. Conducted 24 traffic stops, and 25 ordinance escorts which ensured the highest level of safety and security onboard PMRF. He is known for going beyond the call of duty by increasing his patrols which resulted in locating a missing hunter at Makaka Ridge. As Armorer, he issued, received and maintained accountability for weapons and ammunition valued at $250K with zero discrepencies.

Bravo Shift Watch Commander. Supervised the execution of 16,500 security checks, 4,250 random anti-terrorism measures, and 2,000 security checks at an off-site remote location. Oversaw the qualification of two Watch Commanders, eight Patrol Supervisors, ten Patrol Officers, and twenty Sentries.

As the go-to Patrol Officer of Alpha section, she responded to over 100 calls to service to include: medical assists, vehicle incidents, counter surveillances, duress alarms, retail thefts, and damage to government property. MA2 conducted 180 traffic stops and 60 vehicle searches, preventing 20 unauthorized contraband items from entering the installation. Moreover, she completed 100 CLEOC reports, processed 50 items of evidence, issued 120 Armed Forces Traffic Citations and 24 Federal Magistrate tickets and conducted over 400 Random Anti-terrorism Measures. Her efforts ensured the safety and security of the installation and its workforce. She dedicated over 350 hours to in-rate training resulting in the qualification of 3 Patrol Officers, 18 Duty Armorers, 20 Clearing Barrel Supervisors, 15 Sentries, and 30 new ASF members.

Patrol Officer and Training Team LCPO at MSRON-4. Developed a robust training program and led 38 training team members who trained 271 Sailors and 6 Marines resulting in over 300 Tactical craft operations qualifications. He supervised 416 training under-ways conducting 2,520 drills leading to the qualification of 45 security boat teams.

Led 20 Sailors and operated three 78ft security boats during 24 real world missions in the 7th fleet AOR. Through his astute leadership, he developed theater specific training, boat tactics, weapons employment procedures, and tactical watch qualifications for the MK VI Patrol Boat program furthering emerging naval concepts and Distributed Maritime Operations.

As MSRON-4 most experienced RSO, he conducted 14 dynamic seaward live fire exercises in a joint service environment. His efforts led to the use of multiple water craft, air assets, and integration of Marine Corps fire elements from the MK VI platform, which furthered Expeditionary Advanced Based Operations defense objectives. Moreover he qualified 8 RSOs and 46 line coaches and lead 67 gun rang evolutions leading to the weapons qualification of 1620 Sailors.

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