Engineman (EN) Eval Examples
-HARD CHARGER. EN2 played a key role in replacing NR 2 Gas Turbine MRG turning gear, ensuring Jackson's ability to perform training ship tasking. He assisted in the replacement of 50 coalescer fuel filters, replacement of 35 FOCM coalescer filters, conducted zinc anode change outs for all 12 HPP/LPP/MRG oil coolers. He Completed two Diesel engine inspections ensuring Jackson could meet all mission taskings.
-MISSION ORIENTED. EN2 completed 750 preventive and corrective maintenance checks, ensuring Jackson maintained 100% mission readiness. He went underway with Savannah Gold providing expert help to ensure proper use of equipment and a smooth underway. Conducted critical repairs on 1 MPDE to ensure Jackson got above redlines.
-TEAM PLAYER. EN2 conducted six Medical drills as a medical training member. As a second class, he performed over 75 hours of training, leading to the qualification of eight basic DC, eight Advanced DC, six IEMs, three Team Leaders, and one EPT improving watchbill rotation and flexibility.
Petty Officer Mollette is a highly competitive Second Class Petty Officer. His abundant talent and unmatched dedication consistently ensure maximum results.
-HIGHLY SKILLED TECHNICIAN. EN2 used his technical expertise of lube oil system to effectively troubleshoot and plug cooler tubes to stop a major lube oil leak into the Combining gears. Spearheaded the emergent repair seawater leak on NR 3 SSDG. As lead Ships Service Diesel Generator operator, EN2 led the change out of over 115 fuel filters, 84 lube oil filters, and the repair of NR 3 SSDG's Jacket water valve.
-SELF MOTIVATED. Pump room operator pumped 7,000 gallons of JP-5 for helo operations. Completed over 400 of PMS checks, installed deep sink heater, replaced five SW valves.
-SUPERB TRAINER. He dedicated numerous hours to Sailors in Training and instructed in watch qualifications which resulted in 1 Sailor getting qualified EPT, 2 Oil Kings, and 1 sounding and security. Also trained and assisted 3 junior sailors on shipboard familiarization, Damage Control training which makes him sought out by his peers for his technical advice and knowledge. EN2 is highly motivated sailor in qualifications of Jacket Water King, 3M RPPO and WCS, DC 309-311.
-Petty Officer Mollette is a dynamic and enormously talented Technician. Already possesses the knowledge and skills of a first Class Petty Officer. He has earned my strongest recommendation for advancement to First Class Petty Officer.
-SELF STARTER. Although only being in the division for an extremely short amount of time ENFN Sweat has already contributed greatly in BT01 workcenter. He assisted in the trouble shooting and repairs of 109 genset issues, 107 A/C unit issues, and 105 Yamaha outboard engine issues.
-MOTIVATED. ENFN Sweat's devotion to succeed has lead him to qualify in 3M and Sounding and Security in record time. In a short time he has also revealed himself as an asset in Port Ops by qualifying Coxswain and Crew member, Hazmat PO.
-MILITARY BEARING. Always punctual, always on time and maintains a can-do attitude. ENFN Sweat complies with orders given to him with great professionalism making his military bearing second to none.
DECKPLATE LEADER. As Garrison LPO, supervised 91 mission essential local, CAI, and CAO sailors across 4 UICs. Under EN1's leadership, 63 sailors were exam eligible, 1 sailor was selected for ADSW orders to support MSRON-1 High Value Unit, and 3 sailors reenlisted.
SAILOR DEVELOPMENT. Ensured unit level training was conducted to included 264 hours of driver training which resulted in 4 white licenses issued. Directed 69 sailors to attend 483 hours of small arms weapons simulator training that led to 17 sailors qualifying on the M9, M4, and M500 during live fire exercises. Conducted unit level training during annual training to include static small boat training for 4 sailors during AT where 270 PQS line items were signed off.
DEDICATED AND INVOLVED. Under EN1's guidance as the N7 LPO and Schools Coordinator, the training department processed 88 core Maritime Expeditionary Security Force(MESF) school and AT requests. Engaged leadership yielded 13 sailors completing SRF-B and 1 sailor to complete MESF Navigator-Basic, MESF Navigator-Advanced, and MESF Coxswain which greatly improved mission readiness.
TIME MANAGMENT. While working full time as a civilian Machinist Apprentice at Trident Refit Facility Petty Officer XXX has completed 7 college classes in the last 6 months to further her education and received high marks for each class.
-TECHNICAL EXPERT. Excellent quality of work. Eagerly tackles new jobs, producing excellent quality with exacting standards. While working at Trident Refit Facility, EN2 XXX has spent over 700 hours on milling, lathe, drill presses, and CNC machine. Always conducting herself with a can do attitude and drives to motivate her peers and for all to succeed.
-WORK INVOLVEMENT. Highly professional sailor with uncompromising commitment to command goals. As a Command Assessment team member, EN2 was very influential on devising a plan to analyze feedback from TRF's recent command survey.
- SUPERIOR TECHNICAN. Petty Officer Graham is sought out for his technical expertise on all propulsion and auxillary equipment. He managed and led two Diesel Engine Inspections, 24 cylinder head repairs, and two A/C replacements. Planned and successfully conducted over 200 material checks during ready six and ready seven with a recorded score of 94%.
- PROGRAM MANAGER. He manages four critical engineering programs. Single handly turned two critical programs from ineffective to effective. USS MONSOON was the only PC to have all critical Engineering programs graded effective. He is directly responsible for maximum engineering readiness while forward deployed to 5th FLT AOR.
-SOLID PERFORMER- As Oil Lab maintenance person, he is responsible for the completion of the daily Fuel and Water reports and the upkeep of the DRS, LOQM, FOQM, and jacket water programs. He conducted 800 preventive maintenance checks and 65 spot checks for which 10 were chosen to be reviewed in the 3-M inspection, resulting in 93% score tile. Additionally, he transferred over 100,000 gallons of fuel, oil and 60,000 gallons of oily waste in support of FY18-19 deployment without any mishaps incident or fuel spillage.
-IMPECCABLE TECHNICIAN- He performed 100 hours of corrective maintenance on two Oily Water Separators, two Fuel Oil Purifiers, four Oily Wastes Transfer Pumps, and all testing equipment associated with the oil lab. Furthermore, he participated in the replacement of two Main Propulsion Diesel Engine exhaust manifolds, two sump wipe outs and replaced one SSDG fuel injectors. He saved the Navy over $200,000 in contractors cost and labor fees.
MENTORSHIP- He dedicated over 70 hours training on lube oil, jacket water, and fuel testing for 10 personnel resulting in two qualified Oil Kings. His actions allowed a better trained and flexible watch sections onboard USS Anchorage.
- EXEMPLARY LEADER. Expertly managed 6 highly skilled Sailors for Eng division completing 162 preventive and corrective maintenance checks preserving the life of the equipment and saving $100K in contractor costs, while monitoring, tracking and QA'ing more than $372k in contractor repairs ensuring the commands primary security patrol and oil spill response crafts are mission capable. Highly skilled technician often called upon to troubleshoot and repair the most complex small boat craft discrepancies.
- COMMAND IMPACT. As command NMRS representative he worked 12 cases, drafted 8 cost-effective budgets, and distributed $12K in relief funds to 20 Sailors allowing them flexibility in managing family emergencies. He instilled a sense of heritage to 22 FCPOs during CPO365/FCPOA events and community projects.
- SELFLESS VOLUNTEER. As president of the command Diversity Committee, he led 9 Sailors in the coordination of 10 multi-cultural ceremonies and observances fostering unit cohesion and a positive environment for 104 Sailors. As a member of Navy Ball Committee he has planned and organized 15 fundraisers and 2 burger burns raising $75,000 for the 2016 New Jersey Navy Ball allowing junior Sailors to attend at no cost.
Operations Department Leading Chief Petty Officer and Division Officer while onboard Navy Operational Support Center. He spearheaded the receiving of LCU 1681, managed shipboard repairs, upkeep and equipment load out for LCUs 1680 and 1681 resulting in two valuable assets later transferred to ACU 1's active component and a savings of $500,000 in transportation costs. He dedicated 4,000 man-hours to the MPFUB program, maintenance, parts procurement and daily operations of the crafts and support programs resulting in the first site to achieve full certification by the ISIC. He managed an annual budget of $2 million for the processing, funding and execution of Annual Training mission orders for 920 SELRES with a 99.89% execution rate.
XX of XX fireman, Engineman XXXXXXX is a highly skilled and very knowledgeable technician demonstrating desirable professionalism within his rate. He is an extremely vital part of Main Division's success.
-SUPERB TECHNICIAN. Completed 270 maintenance actions in the division flotation shop, totaling 10,109 mishap-free man-hours and significantly contributing towards our .71 score at Ready 7.
-Exceptional Program manager. As the only Fireman Work Center Supervisor, he coordinated 568 checks, scored a 94.6% in 3M 1.4 and continues to increase our PAR score keeping our engine up mission ready.
-Command Involvement. Excels in leading the next watch station and has become one of a few Fireman PACC operators normally headed by senior petty officers, ensuring that the ship can maintain full watch bills complying with new Navy instruction to have people get more sleep.
-ENFN XXXXXXXXX is highly recommended for retention and increased responsibility; promote to third class now!
XX of XX fireman, ENFN XXXXXXXXXXX is a dedicated and selfless engineer.
-TEAM PLAYER. ENFN Healy stood as Equipment Monitor for three major evolutions and supported Main Division with preventive and corrective maintenance during ASHLAND's 2018 Ready 7 inspection. His eagerness to train helped qualify two junior Sailors in both Equipment Monitor and Cold Iron watches.
-DILIGENT WORKER. ENFN Healy conducted over 150 PMS checks and major repairs to 1A and 1B MPDE and was key to ensuring 100% reliability of the equipment.
-MOTIVATED. Relentlessly pursued the work list spending countless hours cover down for watches and being the extra hand during almost any working party. He speeds up every project he is attached to.
ENFN XXXXXXXX's hard work, dedication, and initiative have made him an invaluable asset to the Engineering Department. He has my recommendation for advancement and retention.
XX of XX fireman, ENFN XXXXXXXXXX is a strong, independent, and hardworking engineer who strives for greater responsibility and looks for every challenge to prove he can take on petty officer third class.
SUBERB INITIATIVE. He takes each week's PMS and promptly completes them to allow for training and corrective maintenance to be done allowing our work center to fully qualify in watch and 3M, keeping our completion rating at 100%.
ATTENTIVE WATCH STANDER. Stands Generator Operator and DCC Supervisor, normally a petty officer's watch and ensures Junior watch stations complete rounds and train for higher qualifications, keeping our watch bills full and flexible with 0 preventable causalities.
TRUSTED PROFESSIONAL. Handpicked after 15 days prior to Ready 7 as a new watch stander for engine op to run some of the most complicated checks to show to inspectors and allowed the ship to pass with the highest per INSURV grade any ship in Sasebo received.
ENFN XXXXXXXXXXXX's hard work is at the level of a third class petty officer promote now!!!
XX of XX fireman, FN XXXXXXXXXXXX has shown great potential during his short time being on board learning and participating to get ready for Ready 7.
MISSION FOCUSED. Quickly adjusts to different work environments. Being assigned to the paint team for Ready 7, he contributed greatly to getting the whole second deck and bulk heads painted in less than a month.
TEAM PLAYER. Spent many off-duty hours learning about his next watch station allowing the watch bill to stay full and flexible.
TECHNICAL WORKMAN. With his technical knowledge in EM01, he completed over 100 PMS checks leading us to a triumphant success in the 3M 1.4 inspection with the highest score on the waterfront.
FN XXXXXX has the makings of a great third class petty officer and has my strongest recommendation for promotion and retention.
XX of XX fireman, ENFN XXXXXXXXX is a strong, very independent, and hardworking engineer who strives for greater responsibility.
SUBERB INITIATIVE. He looks ahead to the jobs that will be needed and parts that we need to be mission ready and puts them on order. He find ways to help out the space and studies for the next watch qualification.
MISSION FOCUSED. Understands the importance of getting the next watch qualification and what it takes to pass every inspection the first time and spends extra time ensuring our space is inspection-ready at all times.
-DILIGENT WORKER. As RPPO, ENFN Nanigian has turned our CSMP around, ensuring accurate parts are ordered and tracking high priority jobs, making sure all parts are received in a timely manner.
ENFN XXXXXX is motivated and wants to be promoted now. He has my recommendation for promotion and advancement.
As Public Works Department Real Property Petty Officer, he provided extensive and continuous support for 3 unit turnovers at Al Asad, displacing over 2,300 personnel in less then 60 days. In addition, he assisted in the rapid turnover of the VAQ-132 Squadron after the completion of their mission in Libya. He assisted in the orderly shutdown of the base by prioritizing candidates for evacuation while maintaining a shrinking security zone and conducting daily security sweeps of 110 occupied and vacant facilities. He maintained an accurate and complete inventory of facilities and equipment and their condition during the the drawdown which preserved over $10 million in critical property and supplies.
His "Mission First" attitude and superior ability were apparent during more than 70 successful missions protecting U.S. and coalition assets with zero mission failures due to mechanical problems, achieving the highest level of operational craft in AOR history. His development and implementation of a fuel sampling program and an SOP for fuel system failures was a major factor in the unit's increased reliability, resulting in a 50% reduction in misdiagnosis of patrol craft problems and at least $100,000 in savings for unneeded parts and grounded aircraft.
-TECHNICAL EXPERT. As EM02 maintenance person, Petty Officer Francis assisted in overhaul of preservation, lagging and cleanliness of over 40 engineering spaces ship wide. His efforts were absolutely necessary in USS Cowpens meeting material condition readiness. Completed over 150 preventive maintenance checks and assisted in 12 MRG oil sprays as part of monthly check to prevent rust and corrosion on the Main Reduction gear.
-DECK PLATE MOTIVATOR. Assisted in 3 wall to wall hazmat inventories, resulting in 100% hazmat accountability. His knowledge of hazmat helped in updating and reorganizing HICSWIN, ensuring all required hazmat onboard USS COWPENS are within proper shelf life and allowing the ship hazmat program to successfully pass the Naval Base San Diego Environmental inspection.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC) accepted and accomplished a modified center section engine overhaul for Number 3 Ship's Service Diesel Generator (SSDG) onboard USS GUNSTON HALL (LSD-44). All work was completed as a team effort by Fleet Diesel Engine Inspector (DEI) Code 264 and Diesel Engine Shop Code 931 personnel. The SSDG overhaul involved major disassembly of the engine and meticulous reassembly, inspection, and testing. The engine parts replaced were 12 cylinder liners, 12 pistons, 24 fuel injection pumps, 24 fuel injection nozzles, 26 main bearings, two thrust bearings and 24 wrist pin bushings. Each part had to be inspected and measured to within thousandths of an inch tolerances to be suitable for installation, including: bearing saddles, crankshaft journals, connecting rods, piston rings, ring gap, blower, vertical drive and perform thrust measurements. The fuel injection pumps and nozzles were tested and adjusted at the MARMC Diesel Engine Shop for proper operation. During reassembly, the exhaust belts and air boxes were cleaned.
PROVEN LEADER & SELF-DEVELOPED. Took initiative by training 9 sailors in trailer driving and backing, directly enhancing mission readiness and operational capability. This training ensured the successful execution of critical tasks and improved overall team performance. Additionally, completed the Intermediate Leader Development Course (ILDT), strengthening leadership skills and preparing for future responsibilities. Assumed the role of Line Coach, mentoring junior sailors and fostering a positive, high-performing work environment. Currently enrolled in engineering school to complete an engineering course, further advancing technical skills for future boat engineering qualifications.
MISSION-READY CONTRIBUTOR. Played a vital role during Insurv, ensuring MSRON boats were fully prepared for mission readiness. Demonstrated strong technical expertise by performing essential maintenance on vehicles and preparing those designated for DRMO. His proactive efforts contributed to the successful readiness of critical assets.
DEDICATED TEAM PLAYER. Volunteered for overnight security watch duties during Insurv, ensuring MSRON boats remained secure and fully prepared for the next day's testing and training. His dedication and vigilance were key in maintaining continuity and supporting mission success.